How to turn your home into a Haberdashery Halloween Dream

October is here! The spookiest, scariest, silliest and most spectacular month of the year! 

That’s right, October hosts one of the best nights in the calendar and we all know just what it is… Halloween! Halloween is one our favourite annual celebrations for many reasons (children, parties, sweets…) but mainly because of all the excuses there are to get stuck into some fabulous DIY halloween decoration creation! 

For our blogs this month, we’ll be giving you ideas for Halloween decorations and costumes. Firstly, we’re starting with decorations! Before the costumes come into play, you have several weeks to adorn your home in all things spooky and fun before the big day itself; so without further ado, here’s a list of homemade Halloween decorations you can make this year to make your house sparkle and spook:


Halloween wreath
Wreaths are not just for Christmas! Nope - you can make a specific Halloween themed wreath that is full of autumn coloured foliage, accompanied by skulls, witches, ghosts, mini pumpkins, cobwebs… Whatever you consider to be your family’s halloween thing, entwine it in your wreath and either hang it on your front door or anywhere in the house you think it will be most appreciated

Halloween face pillows
Turn your living room into a space of creepy faces by creating creepy cushion covers with huge eyes and mouth! We recommend theming these halloween face pillows as little monsters. Give them big eyes, big teeth and big tongues! We suggest going for slime green, bright orange and dark red to really bring your little monster faces to life. Replace your usual sofa cushions with them in the lead up to the big day to remind everyone to watch out for might be lurking in every corner!

Floating witches hats
For this wicked witchy decoration, you can either buy your witches hats from somewhere, or make them yourself ! You can choose to have them at whatever size you like - life size, to oversized or small. Simply stitch some clear plastic string through the very top of the hat and attach to the ceiling with a removable hook. If you don’t want them to come from the ceiling, you can also hang them from lighting fixtures - although if you’re looking to hang a few (which we suggest doing) we recommend using the ceiling

Window watchers
Rather than just keeping scary faces inside, why not create your own little monsters to watch out the window for you too? This is a super easy decoration that you can get the kids involved in that they’ll absolutely love! All you’ll need for this is brightly coloured cardboard of your choice, big googly eyes lip and tongue coloured cardboard and some clear double sided tape! Design your monsters faces before simply sticking them (face outwards) onto your front windows to scare off any passers by! We believe this is a great opportunity to use our glitter felt to help enhance your window watchers' features - pick any of these bright colours to make passers by stop and admire. These are great and fun way to decorate for halloween - especially if you’re into bright designs rather than dark!

Moss Wrapped Jars
These are a more subtle way to create a beautifully atmosspheric (see what we did there) halloween either indoors or outdoors. To create these beautifully ethereal but still creepy decorations, all you need is a series of jars (empty) that you can wrap in moss, twine and any other type of foliage you think suits. You can add to this by weaving in synthetic cobwebs (or just pieces of white/grey string). To make your jars as impactful as possible, we recommend hanging them on lantern rods and either lining your drive with them, your garden path or in your hall!

Pumpkin Painting
This is much less messy (and somewhat safer for little hands) than pumpkin carving. You will need some good quality acrylic paint, sturdy brushes and of course, a good design in mind! Turn your pumpkin into any creature, expression or character by drawing your design on in pen first and bringing to life with colour. To make your pumpkin heads look even more realistic, you can even buy them a wig to put on top! Just make sure you don’t try and light it after…


Halloween Garlands
This is another fantastic decoration to get the little ones involved with that’s super easy but also super effective. We recommend making these are large as you can so they are as effective as can be! Much like the halloween wreath, garland designs are up to your personal taste as long as they’re halloweeny! Why not string some bunting on your garland and make it haunted by adding hanging spiders, cobwebs and mini ghosts made of tissues?

Ghost Lollipop Bouquet
Speaking of ghosts, make some frightfully tasty lollipop bouquets by covering a selection lollies with white cotton, tie it with twine and then paint on some black eyes! These can be placed around the house throughout the whole halloween period and taken whenever fancied!

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