Fun DIY Easter Ideas for your Children

Bunnies, eggs, new life, chocolate, flowers, chicks and pastel colours… Are the things that spring to mind when we think of Easter. The Easter holidays are the perfect time to make a fuss of spring and your children; combined, it also gives you the opportunity to get creative!

Easter should be a weekend that is filled with the celebration of spring with a focus on new life, happiness and of course, chocolate! We have some ideas to help make sure your Easter is as fun as it can be whilst giving your children the opportunity to get involved with some creativity and receive some lovely and unique items too.

Below, we’ve outlined fun DIY Easter ideas to tide you over this year:

Easter Basket 
This is a lovely way to kick off Easter Day before the Easter Egg hunt! Get yourself a weaved basket in whatever size you want (or think is suitable for your little one) and decorate it by weaving ribbons into the woven parts of the basket to create a beautifully charming and rustic looking basket.

Now for the fun part! You want this basket to be a mixture of sweet goods and Easter decorations so we recommend lining it with spring or Easter themed fabric that will be the base for filling up your Easter basket. You can either make the decorations yourself, such as crafting flowers out of tissue paper or buy cheap accessories like small furry chicks to bulk it out.

Next, fill it up with small Easter treats (you don’t want to spoil their appetites for the main eggs of the day…). A good idea to try and keep the day as healthy as possible is to add little containers of brightly coloured fruit to the basket or other more organic treats that look great but won’t give your children that sugar high which is oh so dreaded by parents on Easter! 

This is also a great and creative way to start your children on making their Easter Bonnets, (because let’s face it, Easter isn’t Easter without a silly hat). Supply them with all the bits and bobs they will need to make their bonnets and be sure to help them make them. There are many ways you can do this, depending on the ability of your children – check out some great Easter Bonnet ideas here.

This gorgeous basket is something to be treasured and will mark the day in a truly wonderful way. You can make it as whacky and creative as you like – why not take a look at our haberdashery selection to inspire you to make it truly unique and personalised. 

Easter Trail
Our next idea is an Easter Trail but not quite as you’ve seen it before… Usually an Easter Trail involves you hiding eggs around the garden (or house if the weather is bad) for your little ones to go wild and try and find. To make this experience a little more structured and more magical (yes, we believe the two can go hand in hand!) we have a few ideas for this year’s Easter Trail that will knock the socks off your kiddies. 

First thing’s first, work out how many Easter eggs you have to hide on your trail. Try and make them a bit distinctive such as particular brands that your kids like, themed eggs (Peppa Pig is a big favourite around here) or some other kind of significant feature that your children will recognise. Once you’ve got your eggs sorted, you can start to create clues… That’s right, clues! 

We think your kids should have to sing for their supper (or rather engage their brains for their eggs) so you should create beautiful, Easter themed clues. You can make these by writing them on pieces of paper and decorating with Easter themed drawings etc. or you can use card which is more robust and whip out some handy haberdashery skills to take the designs of your clues out of this world and into one where bunnies can talk and chocolate is currency. We recommend using our glitter felt to use as cut outs for this. These clues should help your children to identify the location of the eggs and the type of egg that it is.

If you’re doing your trail outside, this is a great opportunity to make it look like the Easter Bunny has really been. You can paint egg shells and hang them from trees – do this by piercing a very small hole in the bottom of an egg and draining the insides into a cup. Once empty, paint the shells bright and vibrant colours and attach to trees outside – you can also drape ribbons over the trees too. You should use your decorations to mark points in the trail – your egg covered tree could be the half way point in the trail, you could make a small patchwork quilt that can be ‘The Resting Stop’ and then create bunting to go around the area in the garden where your children can sit and enjoy their eggs once they have cracked all your clues (maybe give them 3 or 4 depending on their age!).

As always, do send us in some snaps of anything you make for Easter – we’d love to see them! (especially if you make any of blog ideas…)



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